Thursday, May 24, 2007


I don't really know why i did these,

just some random face images appear in my dreams.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

monster design 2

more fantasy-style monsters

monster design 1

monsters based on real animals

cartoon & product design

the flow goes like this:
I design cartoon for kid's show. others make them into muppets and suits for actors to wear.

then i design product such as figures, stuffed toys , stationary etc.

chara-designs 4

vehicle design 1

earth force VS alien force

chara-designs 5

supposed to be an RPG character.

mech destriers

the Mech Destriers.

History took an alternative pass.
Gunpowder was never invented, instead, modern technologies benefit cavalry in ways we've never imagined.

there are 3 categories in total.

1)destrier class, role: heavy assault
2)courser class, role: recon, light assault
3)palfrey class, role: transport

chara-designs 3

chara-designs 2

more chara designs


unfinished concepts


some character designs. these images are based on ancient oriental warriors, but modified with modern element (i.e. mech armor, camo, weapons etc)

vehicle design 4

some vehicle design for short film

bio-crafts 2

these are half organic, half mechanical war machines. (part 2)


these are half organic, half mechanical war machines.


this is an early character design. kinda like self-portrait. now i look at it, it's too manga/anime feel.

TVB stuff

These are basically for children's program. there are also some mechandize and product designs. I cannot show too much of TVB works because of policy.

i made a poster

i use my home girl vivian's photo to creat a star wars poster.

this was 2 years ago. how time flies by.

dream of levitation

this is an early concept art for children's book


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